Most managed care insurance plans require referrals if you are seeking care from anyone other than your primary care provider. Please check with your insurance company to determine if a referral is needed. To request a referral for your child, leave a message on extension 109 with the following information: child's name (spell the last name), one phone number where you can be reached, the name of your insurance company, the name of the specialist you are being referred to, the time and date of your appointment, and the reason for your visit. A minimum of 48 hours is needed to complete referral requests. Please pick up your referral as soon as possible after the 48 hour preparation period. We do not fax or backdate referrals. If you would like your referral mailed directly to you, please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope.
LABS, RADIOLOGY, SPECIALISTS & HOSPITAL SERVICES: Please contact your insurance company to verify the status of network participation by specialists, facilities, labs, or in-hospital services for your specific plan. We do the very best we can to assure you use high quality facilities and see physicians who deliver the best quality care. We cannot assume responsibility for network participation as it changes on a daily basis.