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Morristown Pediatric Associates

Advocare Morristown Pediatric Associates Morristown Office

Our Address

261 James Street 

Morristown, NJ, 07960

Contact Numbers

Ph: 973-540-9393

Fx: 973-540-1937

Poison Control: 800-222-1222
Disclaimer: This email is intended for NON-URGENT, NON-MEDICAL communication only.


OFFICE HOURS AND APPOINTMENTS: We see patients by appointment only. Understanding that your child can suddenly become ill and need immediate medical attention, we make every effort to accommodate our patients' needs. Visits without an appointment are not recommended as unscheduled visits typically do not allow enough time for the medical provider to provide the care that your sick child deserves. Unscheduled visits also take time and attention away from patients who have scheduled appointments. However, if you feel that your child must be seen immediately, call our office and speak to one of our staff members who will provide you with appointment based on your child's condition. We are open Monday through Saturday with availability for early morning and evening appointments. The office does not close for lunch and we often meet patients in the office on Sunday mornings for emergency appointments.

Monday- Thursday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
(Call ahead as hours are subject to change)
Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday 9:15 AM to Noon (Please call by 11:30 AM to schedule)


Answering Service


Call Us First! 
After-Hours Telephone Care Service: 

“Advocare Access” 




Morristown Office

Helpful phone extensions:


100 Cancellations
109 Referrals
113 Billing & Insurance
116 Messages for a Doctor
117 Sick Appointments
118 Enrollment/Patient Advocate
119 Camp/school forms
121 Nurses Message Center
125 Refill Prescriptions
170 Lab Results
201 Medical Records
202 Physical/immunization/recheck/reschedule appointments

UNMONITORED MAILBOX PLEASE EMAIL: mpawellcheck@advocaredoctors.com


For general questions,please email us at infomorristownpa@advocaredoctors.com. This email is intended for NON-URGENT, NON-MEDICAL communication only. Include the patient's name, parent/guardian name (If patient is a minor under age 18), and daytime phone number in the subject of your email. We will reply to questions submitted via email within two business days. For all clinical inquiries regarding your child's health, call the office at 973-540-9393. If you need an immediate response to your question, please call to speak with a member of our office staff. If this is a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately.

In the event that our phones are down, please email the office at infomorristownpa@advocaredoctors.com

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