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Morristown Pediatric Associates

Are You Sick?

Eye Injury

Is this your symptom?

  • Injury to the eye, eyelid, or area around the eye

Types of Eye Injuries

  • Cut or Scratch of Eyelid. Small cuts heal on their own. Deep cuts or ones that go through the edge of the eyelid need sutures.
  • Bruise of the Eyelids. Also called a "black eye." The swelling and bruise get worse for a few days. Then it will go away on its own over 2 -3 weeks. It's normal for the bruise to change colors as it heals.
  • Subconjunctival Hemorrhage is a flame-shaped bruise of the white part (sclera) of the eyeball. It's bright red. It's caused by a scratch to the sclera. This mild injury will go away on its own over 2 weeks. It will start to turn yellow as it gets better.
  • Corneal Abrasion is a scratch of the clear part (cornea) of the eye. The main symptoms are severe eye pain, tearing and constant blinking. Some people will just hold their eye closed because it is too painful to open. Caused by a scratch from a branch of a tree or bush. Can also be caused by a foreign object stuck under the upper eyelid, such as a speck of sand blown into the eye. Most scratches are minor and heal in 2 days. This is the most common eye injury that needs to see a doctor.
  • Acute Hyphema (serious) is bleeding in the space between the cornea and the iris. The blood often layers out at the bottom of the cornea. It's caused by a blunt injury.
  • Punctured Eyeball (serious). It means a sharp object has torn the cornea or sclera. Can happen with tiny objects thrown by a lawnmower. Seek care right away. This could save your vision.
  • Retrobulbar hemorrhage (serious). After an injury to the eye, there can be bleeding behind they eye. The blood collects and pushes the eyeball forward, causing severe pain and loss of vision. You may not be able to move the eye. It is an emergency and needs treatment right away to prevent permanent vision loss.
  • Orbital Fractures (serious) can occur with blunt injury. There will be pain and swelling around the eye. The eye may appear sunken and there may also be double vision.
  • Detached retina (serious) can occur for many reasons. It can occur at the time of an injury or months to years later. You may see floaters or flashes of light in the eye and sudden loss of the edge (periphery) of the vision. It is often described as a dark curtain, which affects most of the visual field (apart from the very center), if untreated. This needs an urgent exam and treatment to restore vision.


  • The main concern is whether the vision is damaged.
  • Some injuries need emergency treatment to prevent permanent vision loss.
  • Tell your doctor if your vision is blurred or out of focus. You can test this at home. Cover each eye in turn and look at a distant object.
  • If you have an eye injury, you usually need an exam, even if the injury seems minor. Having an exam is the only way to know your vision is okay.

When to Call for Eye Injury

When to Call for Eye Injury

Call Doctor or Seek Care Now

  • Any cut on the eyelid or eyeball
  • Bruising around both eyes
  • Bruises near the eye and eye pain
  • You have cut or scratch and No past tetanus shots
  • You think you have a serious injury
  • You think you need to be seen, and the problem is urgent

Contact Doctor Within 24 Hours

  • Eye pain is more than mild
  • Eyelids are very swollen
  • Wound is dirty or hard to clean and it is MORE than 5 years since your last tetanus shot
  • Clean minor wound and have NOT had a tetanus shot within the past 10 years
  • You think you need to be seen, but the problem is not urgent

Contact Doctor During Office Hours

  • You have other questions or concerns

Self Care at Home

  • Minor eye injury

Call Doctor or Seek Care Now

  • Any cut on the eyelid or eyeball
  • Bruising around both eyes
  • Bruises near the eye and eye pain
  • You have cut or scratch and No past tetanus shots
  • You think you have a serious injury
  • You think you need to be seen, and the problem is urgent

Contact Doctor Within 24 Hours

  • Eye pain is more than mild
  • Eyelids are very swollen
  • Wound is dirty or hard to clean and it is MORE than 5 years since your last tetanus shot
  • Clean minor wound and have NOT had a tetanus shot within the past 10 years
  • You think you need to be seen, but the problem is not urgent

Contact Doctor During Office Hours

  • You have other questions or concerns

Self Care at Home

  • Minor eye injury

Care Advice for Minor Eye Injuries

Small Cuts, Scratches or Scrapes Around the Eye:

  • For any bleeding (as long as there is not an object, like glass, sticking out of the wound), put direct pressure on the wound. Use a gauze pad or clean cloth. Press for 10 minutes or until the bleeding has stopped.
  • Wash the wound with soap and water for 5 minutes. Protect the eye with a clean cloth.
  • For cuts or scrapes, use an antibiotic ointment (such as Polysporin). No prescription is needed. Put it on the cut 3 times a day. Do this for 3 days.
  • Cover large scrapes with a bandage. Change daily.

Swelling or Bruises with Intact Skin (including a Black Eye):

  • Put a cold pack or ice wrapped in a wet cloth on the eye. Do this for 20 minutes. This will help stop the bleeding and swelling. Repeat as needed.
  • A black eye often takes 1 to 2 days to occur.
  • A flame-shaped bruise of the white of the eyeball is also common.
  • After 48 hours, use a warm wet cloth for 10 minutes. Do this 3 times per day. Reason: to help re-absorb the blood.

Pain Medicine:

  • To help with the pain, take an acetaminophen product (such as Tylenol).
  • Another choice is an ibuprofen product (such as Advil).
  • Use as needed, but do not take more than the recommended dosage as stated on the package.
  • If you are not sure what to take, as a pharmacist.

What to Expect:

  • Minor cuts and scratches, as well as bruises, are harmless.
  • They last about 2 weeks.
  • They do not need any medicine to help them go away.

Call Your Doctor If:

  • Pain becomes severe
  • You develop swelling and redness around the eye
  • Changes in vision
  • You think you need to be seen
  • Your symptoms get worse
  • Remember! Contact your doctor if you or your child develop any "Contact Your Doctor" symptoms.

    Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.

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